Thursday, March 22, 2007

Painted on Location

Our once a year blue tree, the Jacaranda. It blooms on the 2-3000 foot level of Halaiakala, our mountain here on Maui. It took 2 weeks on location to paint this in acrylics, 30x22.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Is this for you? Do you paint what you see?

Do you like painting on location, en plain air, painting from life? Do artists that make things up, copy photographs and such bother you, especially when it done to fool you into thinking they are better then they are? Are you tired of the same people becoming judges of your work?

Are you tired of your children being taught the same incorrect color wheel that you were taught. The red, yellow and blue color wheel doesn't work, it never did mix darks, it never had correct color oppositions, it's useless. Yet every state in the union (except NY) requires art teachers to teach it with the State School Standards report.

Where are we going with art anyway? Who's in charge here? Don't tell me, I know, it's nobody. Fine Art is a dyeing art. New museums are worthless because they can't choose to show what is good and available. A toilet with a bible in it and a flag as the carpet. Is that art? There are no Fine Art museums. Just money making showrooms with crazy ideas of what is fine art. They don't show fine art, they show what will draw comments. Like a sleazy rag paper digging up dirt.

I for one am tired of it. I won't stop painting, but I'm tired of the direction art is taking.
Here's a correct color wheel.